Waldemar Celes
Associate Professor

Short Bio
Prof. Waldemar Celes is a professor at the Department of Informatics of PUC-Rio and coordinator of projects in the area of Visualization of the Tecgraf/PUC-Rio Institute. He has developed research in the area of Computer Graphics, with special interest in Scientific Visualization, Numerical Simulation, Distributed Visualization and Real Time Rendering. He is a co-creator of the Lua software.
Curriculo Lattes
Laboratory Collaborator
Projects Coordinator of the Visualization Field at Instituto Tecgraf / PUC-Rio
+55 21 3527-1500 ext. 4357
505 RDC
Professor at PUC-Rio, Dr. Waldemar Celes is focused on Computer Graphics. In this field, his main objective is to assist in the visualization of scientific programs through computer graphics, thus, he also gets involved with the area in which he graduated. He holds a degree from UFRJ in Civil Engineering (1986), did his master's degree in the same area at PUC-Rio (1990),
and his doctorate in Computer Science at PUC-Rio (1995). His post-doctorate was at the Computer Graphics Program of Cornell University (1995-1997). Since 1990 he has been an associate researcher at the then laboratory Tecgraf, today Instituto Tecgraf/PUC-Rio. There, he coordinates projects in partnership with the industry in the area of visualization, modeling and simulation.